Improve Email Deliverability with a Whitelabel Domain


Dryfta event platform now provides you with the option to send email campaigns signed by your own domain and through your own unique IP address. This improves email deliverability to a large extent and also lets you access more detailed reports of where your mails are going and how they are being treated by spam filters.

To enable these features on Dryfta platform, we have partnered with Sendgrid. Sendgrid is a widely-used, reliable platform to send your transactional and marketing emails.


Here’re the steps to set up your campaign sending through Sendgrid:

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New organizations who signed up for Dryfta in March 2017

Dryfta welcomes new clients in the non-profits, universities and organizations segments this month, including: International Foster Care Organisation’s 2017 World Conference and Organ Preservation Alliance’s Organ Banking Summit 2017.

Alongside non-profits, we have signed up with the African Tax Administration Forum, South Africa, to host the 6th Country Correspondence Conference.

Organ Banking Summit is using Dryfta to register participants, accept abstract submissions, create program schedule, sell tickets, and design their beautiful conference website.

In Non-profits segment, we also signed up European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) and Belgian Defence, Belgium, to host the ETRS 2017 Congress. They are using Dryfta to accept abstract submissions and conduct peer reviews, send email campaigns, sell tickets and build event website.


Organ BankingATAF


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8 Ways You Can Help Get Women Speaking At Tech Events


A significant female attendance at a tech event is a great mark of healthy gender diversity and increased engagement levels in terms of exchanging technological know-how and finding potential women founders.

Here’re some suggestions on how to bring more women speakers onboard for your next tech event:

1. Don’t kid yourself

If you believe that there aren’t enough qualified female or minority speakers to fill your conference agenda, you’re kidding yourself.

CompTIA’s Cyberstates 2016 report indicates that more than 1/3 of US tech workers are female, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That gives you a pool of more than 2 million women in the field. You can find the 10, 20, 100 or more speakers you need.

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Association Typographique Internationale (ATYPI) Warsaw Conference 2016 – A Case Study

Dryfta works: platform of choice for ATypI

ATypI, Association Typographique Internationale, is the global forum and focal point for the type and typography communities and business.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email notifications, Peer review, Creating Event website, Email marketing

Here’s a quick interview with Tamye Riggs, Director, ATYPI, about her experience with using the Dryfta event platform for ATYPI Warsaw Conference 2016.
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Sync Subscribers from Dryfta to Constant Contact

Dryfta is an event management platform for universities and organizations. The Constant Contact integration for Dryfta lets event organizers sync subscribers and mailing lists from Dryfta event platform to Constant Contact and vice-versa.


Overall Benefits

  • Collect email addresses using the opt-in box on your Dryfta powered event website and push these subscribers to a mailing list on your Constant Contact account. That’s the combined power of Constant Contact email marketing and Dryfta event platform, at your disposal!
  • Apart from subscribers, you can also sync name and email addresses of your attendees and speakers to Constant Contact and send email campaigns using the Constant Contact email software.
  • Convert subscribers in your Dryfta event platform to registrants

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