Multi-Stage Submission Workflows

Create proposal submission forms with simple & complex workflows

Simple submission workflow

Create a simple submission form with a submit button. Use it collect abstracts, proposals, nominations, award submissions, videos. With as many custom questions as you want including file upload fields.

Complex submission workflow

Need a submission form with more complex workflow? Use our abstract submission software to collect abstracts for different categories with different set of questions. Enable collaboration feature so submitter and co-authors can collaborate on editing the submission.

Multi-tier submission workflow

Enable multi-tier abstract submission to achieve this workflow: authors submit their abstracts first, reviewers review the abstracts, decision-making committee accepts some of those abstracts, ask the accepted authors to submit their final papers.

Submission forms according to type, track and topic

Create separate submission form for each submission type, topic and track. Enable submission form to be displayed only once a combination of specific track and topic and/or sub-topic is selected.