Borderless Cybersecurity Conference & Technical Symposium by Oasis Open – A Case Study

Successful use of Dryfta

Borderless Cybersecurity Conference helps organizations identify and avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in threat intelligence. The conference program brings together the OASIS Borderless Cyber and FIRST Technical Symposium communities to provide guidance, outline next steps, and identify available resources to help you deal with imminent or emerging cyber threats.

Oasis Open

Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer review, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, generating Program schedule.

Here’s a quick interview with Jane Harnad, Manager of Events, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Borderless Cybersecurity Conference
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Dryfta is the Best Event Schedule Builder for Event Organizers: Here’s Why

Image from Gyazo


Creating a dynamic and interactive program schedule goes a long way in improving participants’ engagement in a conference. Dryfta program builder comes with a very expansive list of features to make it easy for organizers to build an interactive program schedule in no time.

For participants, it enables them to create a personalized schedule and browse through various sessions on the event website and the event app. When they’re at the conference, they can check-in to program sessions, explore presenters’ bio and other session-related information. Post the conference, participants would use it for submitting feedback for sessions they have attended, downloading the presentation files, etc.

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Send Automated SMS notifications to Speakers about Upcoming Sessions

Need to make sure speakers are around when their session comes up during the event? Want attendees to fill up the seats prior to the session so you can assess if more seats need to be made available?

Stop worrying and set up automated SMS notifications. Dryfta’s automated SMS notification system notifies/reminds speakers and attendees about upcoming sessions. The SMS based notifications are sent to speaker’s registered phone number an hour before the session begins. This provides ample time to the speakers to reach the venue in time and do some final preparations for the session.


Since it also allows you to send automated notifications to attendees an hour prior to the session begins, you can be rest assured about seats filling up in time which would help you assess the demand for the session.
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Agenda Conflict Management – Manage Conflicting Sessions in Program Agenda


Import your program sessions or add them manually using Quick add button to prepare your program schedule. Once your program schedule is ready, click on Conflicts button to view conflicts between sessions. Each session which is conflict with another session is listed there along with the reason for the conflict.

Conflict management system checks for conflict between venue and time and corresponding speakers. An admin has the option to resolve the conflict by changing the venue, or adjusting the time slot of the session in conflict.

Admin has the option to override conflicts and schedule the sessions as is. This would, however, displays different sessions in program schedule with same venues at the same time slot or same time slot at the same venue.

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Program Changelog – Track Changes made to your Program Schedule

Until now, you were able to create program schedule, list speakers, check-in attendees to sessions et al. With this new update, admin would now be able to track all the changes made to the program agenda.


Changes are now logged and displayed under Program builder tool’s Program Changelog. This helps admins know what changes are made when and by whom which further helps bring accountability among the team members.

The changes that are logged include changes in sessions, speakers, session notes, time slot changes, venue changes, format and track changes.
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