10 Safety Tips that are Critical to Event Success

event safety


Ensuring your event is in accordance with physical and cyber security requisites is critical to its success. Not only does a security breach at an event cause heavy financial losses, but it also creates room for speculation and loss of goodwill. You may have drawn out a security plan for your event – but is it really comprehensive? Here are some factors you must give due attention to when charting out your event’s security framework:
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How to Ensure your Event Sticks to the Timeline you Set Out for it?


Are you thinking to plan an event in no time? Do not forget to make the timeline a part of your planning. Timelines have a crucial role to play in Event Planning. You always have a risk of not meeting the deadlines, if not prepared a timeline well. Here are some tips to make an efficient timeline for your well-organized event.
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Dryfta is the Best Event Schedule Builder for Event Organizers: Here’s Why

Image from Gyazo


Creating a dynamic and interactive event schedule goes a long way in improving participants’ engagement in a conference. Dryfta event scheduling software comes with a very expansive list of features to make it easy for organizers to build an interactive program schedule in no time.

For participants, it enables them to create a personalized schedule and browse through various sessions on the event website and the event app. When they’re at the conference, they can check-in to program sessions, explore presenters’ bio and other session-related information. Post the conference, participants would use it for submitting feedback for sessions they have attended, downloading the presentation files, etc.

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Management Tools & Workflows for Speakers and Attendees


The ability to delegate tasks and getting them done right and on time is the key to a successful event. For easier and efficient task management, it is important to have a well-planned, task-by-task approach for volunteers and admin staff and be able to hold them accountable for their tasks that they have been assigned with.

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Why your Product never seems good enough

Level zero

Hi. This is your Chief Happiness Officer.

I’m very delighted to see 100s of users using Dryfta to manage their events 3 months after our private beta release. I take this oppurtunity to thank our founding customers especially my team for clinging to this vision of having an all-inclusive event management platform for event organizers and delivering on our promises.
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How to Organize an Event Successfully?

quick guide to event planning


Someone recently asked me how she should go about organizing an event. So I jotted down a quick list of things which I do to plan my own events and making sure my attendees go home happy, and I also get to have a decent ROI.

Here’re the most common things that I do every time I have to organize an event:
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