How To Set Up An Event Planning Website

How To Set Up An Event Planning Website


If you're looking to start an event planning business, it's important to know how to set up an effective website. A good website is crucial for attracting clients and getting them excited about your services. The easier it is for them to find you online, the more likely they'll reach out! That said, designing and building a website from scratch can be a daunting task if you're not a web developer. Luckily there are plenty of resources on how to host your site. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about setting up an event planning website.

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How Events can be Used to Raise Money for Nonprofit

Event Listing Service


With the rise of social media, crowdfunding, and digital newsletter delivery, it's easier for nonprofits to raise awareness and money. But there are still plenty of traditional ways an organization can use events to achieve its goals. Events like galas, fundraising dinners, or auctions are great ways to get people together in one place so they can talk about your cause and maybe even donate directly on-site. However, it’s important to think about the type of event you want to run, how much money you want to raise, and what kind of benefits it will have for your organization. In this post, we'll look at how you can create a successful event with the help of a few helpful tips.

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How to Sell Tickets for Your Annual Event

How to Sell Tickets for Your Annual Event


If you're an organization with a big annual event, you probably want to sell tickets. It's a good way to make more money, plus it helps spread the word about your cause. If you're looking for ticketing options and haven't found one that works for your organization, read on! We'll go over some of the most popular ways to sell tickets (and also some not-so-popular ones).

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Best Social Network for Promoting Academic Conferences: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or LinkedIn?



Academic social networking sites, or ASNS as they are referred to, are digital platforms that have been gaining immense traction over the last few years as means of publishing and sharing academic content. From research papers and academic events to professional networking, ASNS are bringing about a paradigm shift in academic information disbursement.

Having said that, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & LinkedIn are communities that haven’t been given their due for their immense capabilities in event promotion & communiqué. Let’s look at how we ought to leverage these seemingly informal platforms to promote academic conferences.

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How to Protect Your Event Data from Cyber Threats



With devices, applications and internet connectivity multiplying year on year, it is no surprise that the risks associated with cyber security too are on the rise. While every enterprise working in any industry needs to focus on strengthening their digital security, event management is no different. Especially since it involves data from sensitive sources such as event sponsors, event attendees and the enterprise itself, a well-rounded cyber security framework is necessary.

Additionally, damage in case of data and cyber slippages are nothing but heavy. The damage in terms of monetary cost a business suffers due to a malware attack is estimated at an average of 2.4 million2 , aside of reputation risk and further losses. Which is why, creating a sound cyber security framework in event management is paramount. Here’s how you can achieve that.

☑ Create A Comprehensive Cyber Security Strategy

As an organization, the primary and foremost process in the direction of cyber security is to chalk out a comprehensive cyber security strategy. While this should be an enterprise-wide exercise, it should be reiterated and customized at the start of any initiative such as an event. Some facets of this strategy can include:

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All you Need to Know About Event Data for Measuring ROI



Gone are the days when events were done just as a mere PR exercise. The current business epoch looks at events not just as affairs to put your brand “out there”, but as comprehensive business investments that throw up returns– not just monetarily, but in terms of digital footprint, leads generated, product knowledge, website traffic and a host of other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Budgets for all kinds of events, whether corporate, social or academic, are reaching unprecedented numbers. The most successful business invest 1.7x their marketing budget in live events. It’s only right then, that event organisers and businesses work together to channelize valuable data before, during and after the event to draw strong inferences and directives.

☑ Measuring your Real Return on Investment
Financial performance of your event can certainly be measured by quantifying ROI, that is squaring up expenses against income and collection. However, in the modern-day business scenario, ROI is not just monetary but also KPI-driven. Aside from actual hard money, we need holistically measure ROI with metrics that quantify every domain’s performance and success in an event. Let’s understand how.

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