One of the reasons Dryfta event platform is used by universities, non-profits and corporate is the platform’s ability to collect abstract and paper submissions and assign them to reviewers, apart from other features that it is capable of.
This blog post quickly explains how authors can submit abstracts and manage submitted abstracts.
To access the abstract submission site, one needs to log in using email and password. To access the abstract submission site if one doesn’t have login credentials, author has to create an account first. After creating an account, go to the abstract submissions login page, and enter the login credentials (email and password) to log in to the abstract system.
Once logged-in, go to My Abstracts page and click on Submit Abstract button to submit an abstract or paper. To edit an existing abstract, click on the name of the abstract which you want to edit.
Authors can revise abstracts up until the last date for abstract submission. After that, authors can view abstracts but they cannot make changes. Admin has the option to open abstract editing after submission date for those abstracts which have been accepted.