Sell Event Memberships with Access Control

Sell event memberships

Organizing a yearly event and have regular attendees who flock to your event every year? Well, it’s time to give them better reasons to become a regular participants. Start selling event memberships and give your members access to premium content and discounts on tickets. Here’s how.
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The revised Free plan – Dryfta Event Platform

The Free plan has been revised and will come into effect from today, 11th March, 2016. From now on, all new event platforms created under Free plan, will be able to manage up to 60 contacts and as many abstract submissions.

Get your own Free Event Management Platform

Spreading too thin!

We’ve decided to slow down a bit from taking on new feature requests. We’ll continue to accept feature requests as long as they can be implemented within our existing tools and closely relate to our roadmap.

Shifting Focus!

If the new feature requests does not meet this condition, then, although you can still share your requests with us, however, you would have to wait before we attend to it.

We think we’ve spread too thin. It’s time for us to grow vertical by focusing on improving existing features.

Get your own Free Event Management Platform

Collect Fees for Accepted Abstracts & Papers

Accept payments on approved abstracts.

Hosting an academic conference? Accepting abstract submissions and looking for a tool to accept payments on approved submissions?

Dryfta provides tools to manage your conference and accept abstract submissions and peer review them. With last week’s update, event organizers can now use Dryfta to accept payments from authors for approved submissions.

If you have not used Dryfta before, give it a try. Click here to sign up for a free account.

If you are already using Dryfta, here’s how you can set up your conference website to accept payments for approved abstracts.
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Feature updates #2

Feature updates Dryfta

Here’s our update for this week with some really exciting features and some improvements and fixes in the existing features.

Membership payments
Membership payments is now available for all Dryfta users. Create membership tickets and sell memberships to your attendees. Later this month, we’ll release Coupon Manager and Access control features to enable discounts and access to premium content for members.
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The Art of Shipping Early and Often

Shipping code early and often

“Several distinct problems manifest themselves as delays in launching: working too slowly; not truly understanding the problem; fear of having to deal with users; fear of being judged; working on too many different things; excessive perfectionism. Fortunately you can combat all of them by the simple expedient of forcing yourself to launch something fairly quickly.”Paul Graham, The 18 Mistakes that Kill Startups

At Dryfta, we live by this↑ maxim. Shipping code early and often is an integral part of our code of ethics. The way we do it is we ask our customers to share their feature requests, set them up against our own list of feature updates, and then ruthlessly prioritize code shipping. If you’re the man/woman overlooking product management at your company, you should be skilled at prioritizing product features, market needs and growth expectations all at once.
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