How to Make your Event More Accessible?



Organizing events can be an arduous task, what not with the amount of effort that you will need to put in to ensure that everyone’s needs are taken care of and no one gets left behind. But, what about an event that involves people with special needs? How do we go about planning an event that is accessible and disability-friendly, without having to make drastic changes to the whole event structure?

Actually, there are a few ways that you can subtly make your event more welcoming for people with disabilities and these come at minimal to no cost at all to be implemented. Let’s have a look at some of the simple steps that you can take to help your event be more advantageous to those who have an incapacity.

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How to Raise Funds & Collect Donations for your Academic Conference



Kick-starting an event involves a monetary influx from a host of sources including your internal fund pool as well as sponsors who may or may not be directly associated with your core value system. While such sponsors recognize equity in associating with your academic conference, it is the more focused source of donations that many event managers often fail to inspire in order to create an association with your academic conference.

In this article, we are going to touch upon useful and rewarding fundraising guidelines that can help you fully leverage not just sponsors and brand partners but the often ignored and tremendously useful stream of donations. Here’s how you can make donations an integral part of your conference corpus.

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A Definitive Guide to Building an Event Website [PDF]

Guide to building an event website


As an event planner, having a website is crucial, especially when you are looking for a platform by which people can find you and solicit your services. But, what makes a good event website? And how do you even go about getting your new site up and running? We have all the details you need in this exhaustive guide on how to build an event website.

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New features: Enable Open Discussion for Reviewers; Create Multiple Discussion Rooms



☑ Enable Open Discussion for Reviewers

In our last update, we added a discussion section for reviewers to discuss about an abstract before accepting/rejecting it. We have provided this a setting under Open Review settings to enable Discussions for assigned abstracts.

Under each assigned abstract, there is now an Open Discussion button. Reviewer would click on it to open the discussion room for the abstract and post comments and upload files along with the Reply button to reply to comments from other reviewers assigned to the abstract.

In the backend, under the abstract detail view, we have provided a discussion tab to display the comments posted by reviewers. There is a Reply button besides each comment to allow admins to reply to comments from within the backend.

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How to Engage Attendees so they Become a Regular at your Conference



Conferences are held for different purposes: to motivate people, share and exchange information on a specific subject, develop business strategies, launching of products. People attend conferences to learn and be motivated by their mentors or speakers on topics they are interested in.

The joy of every conference organizer is for their attendees to be enthralled and engaged so much so that they become regular attendees of such organized conferences. Below are a few ways to ensure your attendee become a regular at your conference:

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Step-by-Step Guide to Presenting at Academic Conferences [PDF]



Speaking at an academic conference is a great opportunity researchers look forward to because of the immense possibility of sharing their work with an audience comprising of other researchers, industry experts and corporate heads.

In order to stand out at a conference, you need to make the presentation engaging, interactive and something for the audience to think about and raise questions. But sometimes your nerves may decide to act up at the most crucial point when you are about to make your presentation.

So how do you make sure you give a memorable presentation and tame those pesky nerves? Being well prepared for the conference will allow you to give a great presentation. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to speaking to an academic audience.

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