University of Pennsylvania – Case Study

Great, comprehensive conference planning platform

The Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education invites submissions for its 2019 Annual Meeting and the celebration of the Forum’s 40th anniversary. The Forum welcomes scholars at all career stages seeking a supportive venue for sharing their ethnographic work at various stages of development.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Creating Program schedule.

Here’s a quick interview with Mary Yee, EdD, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Ethnography in Education Research Forum 2019
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National LGBTQ Health Conference 2019 by Emory University – A Case Study

Dryfta is a great event platform for conferences

National LGBTQ Health Conference is an interdisciplinary forum that provides an opportunity for presentation and discussion of current health research and programs for LGBTQ adults and adolescents with the overall goal of addressing health inequities for this highly impacted group.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer review, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Program schedule building & management, and Engaging attendees on Dryfta event apps.

Here’s a quick interview with April Winningham, Conference Coordinator, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for National LGBTQ Health Conference
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Organ Preservation Alliance’s Organ Banking Summit 2017 – A Case Study

Excellent, One stop shop for event management – Far exceeds expectations

Organ Preservation Alliance is helping to bring about a world in which organs and tissues are as durable outside the body as they are inside it – with profound implications for science, medicine, and millions of patients around the globe.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email notifications, Peer review, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Program schedule management

Here’s a quick interview with Mark Severs, Operations Director, Organ Preservation Alliance, about his experience with using Dryfta event platform for Organ Banking Summit 2017.
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Organ Preservation Alliance is using Dryfta Event Platform to Manage its Annual Summit


The Organ Preservation Alliance has partnered with Dryfta to host its annual Organ Banking Summit. The Summit on Organ Banking through Converging Technologies integrates several areas of science and engineering with the aim to tackle mutliple public health challenges.

Dryfta is used by companies & universities to build their event registration website, sell tickets online, collect abstract submissions & assign them to reviewers for review, send email campaigns, create event schedule, accept donations, design badges & participation certificates, and manage attendee data using a full-stack event CRM. All from one dashboard.

To set up call for papers using abstract management system, Organ Preservation Alliance team has first completed the initial setup of the abstract submission system and then went on to add custom fields to collect abstracts through their abstract submission form and review abstracts through the review submission form.
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Agenda Conflict Management – Manage Conflicting Sessions in Program Agenda


Import your program sessions or add them manually using Quick add button to prepare your program schedule. Once your program schedule is ready, click on Conflicts button to view conflicts between sessions. Each session which is conflict with another session is listed there along with the reason for the conflict.

Conflict management system checks for conflict between venue and time and corresponding speakers. An admin has the option to resolve the conflict by changing the venue, or adjusting the time slot of the session in conflict.

Admin has the option to override conflicts and schedule the sessions as is. This would, however, displays different sessions in program schedule with same venues at the same time slot or same time slot at the same venue.

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Program Changelog – Track Changes made to your Program Schedule

Until now, you were able to create program schedule, list speakers, check-in attendees to sessions et al. With this new update, admin would now be able to track all the changes made to the program agenda.


Changes are now logged and displayed under Program builder tool’s Program Changelog. This helps admins know what changes are made when and by whom which further helps bring accountability among the team members.

The changes that are logged include changes in sessions, speakers, session notes, time slot changes, venue changes, format and track changes.
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