LinkedIn Company Pages is now integrated with Dryfta Organizations Manager


We have been working on this integration for some time now. Although, this is only the first version of the LinkedIn Company integration with Dryfta platform, we have laid out the basics. In future versions, we would be able to fetch real time news and updates from company pages. However, since this data is coming from a third-party, most of what is possible depends on LinkedIn’s policies related to its data use.

In our first LinkedIn company integration, we have created a tool to manage Organizations listings. Admins can add companies under Organizations tab and later use it to add contacts. Organizations also list the companies and organizations as added by users during registration. Each organization would have basic information including country and HQ location along with the complete list of contacts from that organization.
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Dryfta has been Awarded the High Performer Event Management Platform for 2017


This year, G2Crowd has adjudged Dryfta as a High Performing event management platform in Event management software category. According to their Scoring Grid, we’re one of the top three event management platforms.

G2Crowd is a well-known and highly respected decision making platform for software buyers. Their review platform leverages more than 150,000 independent and authenticated user reviews read by nearly 750,000 buyers each month bringing transparency to B2B buying.

Every year, G2Crowd releases a list of high performing platforms in each category by sifting through thousands of reviews, using their complex scoring methodologies. They apply a unique, patent-pending algorithm to this data to calculate the Customer Satisfaction and Market Presence scores in real time.

Highest Net Promoter Score
In terms of customer satisfaction, Dryfta beats everyone in the list with highest Net Promoter Score (91) for any platform in the category.
Dryfta has been named a High Performer primarily because of receiving a high customer Satisfaction score.

More numbers
100% of users have rated Dryfta 4 or 5 stars.
100% of users believe Dryfta is headed in the right direction.
97% of users said they would likely to recommend Dryfta.

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To see the latest features added and improvements made to the Dryfta event platform, go to our System Status page.



Agenda Conflict Management – Manage Conflicting Sessions in Program Agenda


Import your program sessions or add them manually using Quick add button to prepare your program schedule. Once your program schedule is ready, click on Conflicts button to view conflicts between sessions. Each session which is conflict with another session is listed there along with the reason for the conflict.

Conflict management system checks for conflict between venue and time and corresponding speakers. An admin has the option to resolve the conflict by changing the venue, or adjusting the time slot of the session in conflict.

Admin has the option to override conflicts and schedule the sessions as is. This would, however, displays different sessions in program schedule with same venues at the same time slot or same time slot at the same venue.

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Program Changelog – Track Changes made to your Program Schedule

Until now, you were able to create program schedule, list speakers, check-in attendees to sessions et al. With this new update, admin would now be able to track all the changes made to the program agenda.


Changes are now logged and displayed under Program builder tool’s Program Changelog. This helps admins know what changes are made when and by whom which further helps bring accountability among the team members.

The changes that are logged include changes in sessions, speakers, session notes, time slot changes, venue changes, format and track changes.
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Abstract Submissions Progress Bar – Visual Approach to Managing your Call for Papers


We decided to add a progress bar in abstract management system to keep chairs and admins aware of where they are in the abstract submission process and what is next that is to be done.

This progress bar progressively displays the task that needs to be done in the abstract management system, marks completed tasks as done and keeps admin updated on the currently ongoing activity in the abstract submission system.

Starting from setting up abstract submission to collecting abstracts, assigning abstracts to reviewers and making decisions on the reviewed abstracts, it covers the whole aspect of abstract management and peer review.
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New organizations who signed up for Dryfta in March 2017

Dryfta welcomes new clients in the non-profits, universities and organizations segments this month, including: International Foster Care Organisation’s 2017 World Conference and Organ Preservation Alliance’s Organ Banking Summit 2017.

Alongside non-profits, we have signed up with the African Tax Administration Forum, South Africa, to host the 6th Country Correspondence Conference.

Organ Banking Summit is using Dryfta to register participants, accept abstract submissions, create program schedule, sell tickets, and design their beautiful conference website.

In Non-profits segment, we also signed up European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) and Belgian Defence, Belgium, to host the ETRS 2017 Congress. They are using Dryfta to accept abstract submissions and conduct peer reviews, send email campaigns, sell tickets and build event website.


Organ BankingATAF


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