The Ultimate Conference Planning Checklist For Nonprofits {2025}

Conference planning checklist


With time, you may realize that the execution of a nonprofit event requires significant planning, effort, and time. Turning to fundraise events is how nonprofit organizations raise a large sum of money to meet their financial goals. This process assists in generating a significant amount of money that contributes to meeting various beneficial causes. Precise preparation and planning are most crucial for conducting a successful fundraising event. After taking thorough suggestions from professionals, we have gathered some tips and tricks to help you carry out the process with ease. This ultimate conference planning checklist for nonprofits can assist you in planning an effective event.
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How Rising Inflation Impacts Events & Conferences

How inflation affects accommodation


What is Inflation?

Inflation is the rising of prices and a decrease in the value of money. It can be caused by an imbalance between supply and demand or if people hoard their money rather than spend it. The U.S. economy has experienced a lot of inflation since the 1800s, making it harder for people to save and grow wealth.

One of the many consequences of rising inflation is a drop in conference attendance. With current inflation rates at their highest level since 2011, this phenomenon appears to be happening on a larger scale than ever before. In this blog post, you’ll learn about some of the direct impacts that inflation has on conferences and how you can mitigate the impact.

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The Checklist for Launching Call for Abstracts Successfully

Call for abstracts

Launching a compelling call for abstracts is one of the most critical steps in planning a successful conference or event. It sets the stage for attracting high-quality submissions, engaging thought leaders, and securing impactful speakers. But how do you craft a call for abstracts that captures attention, generates buzz, and converts recipients into contributors?

By following a structured approach and leveraging effective communication strategies, you can maximize your submissions and ensure your event draws the best minds in your industry. Here’s a detailed checklist to help you launch a successful call for abstracts.

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Top 11 Hybrid Event Ideas for Nonprofits – The 2025 List

hybrid event ideas


More than half of the organizations around the world faced a pretty drastic change after the COVID-19 situation. Moreover, the greatest challenge to overcome since 2019 is canceling the event or making them virtual.

Now that the world is gradually transitioning back to its normal state, we must learn the important lessons of virtual adaptation and conduct business affairs regularly.
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7 Signs You Need a Better CRM for Your Nonprofit Events



When it comes to nonprofit organizations, your mission is to make a positive impact in the world. From education to wildlife, science to religion, nonprofits come in all shapes and sizes. But whether your focus is local or global, effective management of supporters and events is crucial to your success. If your team is feeling overwhelmed or your processes are outdated, it might be time to consider a better CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution—or, more aptly for nonprofits, a Constituent Relationship Management system.
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