Live-Tweeting Tips & Etiquette at Academic Conferences



With the spread of social media networking, which is often equated to the speed of wildfire, almost no one is a stranger to the terms Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. However, being a person of reputable academic background, there are times when you would wonder if it would be okay to incorporate the social media element into the academic life.

Of late, academic seminars and event aren’t as “boring” as they were back in the day, with more animated and interesting presentations of academic findings and research papers, some of which are quite noteworthy and shareable with friends via social media. This is one of the main reasons why the question of suitability of social media use in academic settings was put forward, to start with.

To help with this conundrum, that almost all new researchers face, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide of etiquette and best practices for live-tweeting at academic events:
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10 Safety Tips that are Critical to Event Success

event safety


Ensuring your event is in accordance with physical and cyber security requisites is critical to its success. Not only does a security breach at an event cause heavy financial losses, but it also creates room for speculation and loss of goodwill. You may have drawn out a security plan for your event – but is it really comprehensive? Here are some factors you must give due attention to when charting out your event’s security framework:
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Five Benefits of Attending Academic Conferences



Academic conferences are an integral part of the scientific community. Such conferences are a platform for researchers to share their most recent findings with their peers and to encourage a healthy discussion between researches from a variety of backgrounds and fields of study. However, in this day and age, attendance at such symposiums of knowledge are slowly diminishing. Why you ask? People nowadays don’t seem keen in sitting for hours listening to “someone talking”. The fast-paced life and technological advancements has caused us to shy away from such social events that involve actual time and energy to socialize and learn something new.

We’ve put together a few things that you’re missing out if you’re not one of those that are not too keen on attending elaborate academic discussions:

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How to Get through Peer Review of your Abstract

Peer Review


The peer review process is an essential checkpoint in academic publishing, ensuring the integrity, originality, and quality of research before it reaches the public domain. With an ever-growing number of researchers submitting work year after year, this rigorous process has become even more critical. Peer reviewers, as experts in their respective fields, carefully evaluate submissions for relevance, authenticity, and contribution to the field.

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How to Ensure your Event Sticks to the Timeline you Set Out for it?


Are you thinking to plan an event in no time? Do not forget to make the timeline a part of your planning. Timelines have a crucial role to play in Event Planning. You always have a risk of not meeting the deadlines, if not prepared a timeline well. Here are some tips to make an efficient timeline for your well-organized event.
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Dryfta is the Best Event Schedule Builder for Event Organizers: Here’s Why

Image from Gyazo


Creating a dynamic and interactive event schedule goes a long way in improving participants’ engagement in a conference. Dryfta event scheduling software comes with a very expansive list of features to make it easy for organizers to build an interactive program schedule in no time.

For participants, it enables them to create a personalized schedule and browse through various sessions on the event website and the event app. When they’re at the conference, they can check-in to program sessions, explore presenters’ bio and other session-related information. Post the conference, participants would use it for submitting feedback for sessions they have attended, downloading the presentation files, etc.

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