How To Set Up An Event Planning Website

How To Set Up An Event Planning Website


If you’re looking to start an event planning business, it’s important to know how to set up an effective website. A good website is crucial for attracting clients and getting them excited about your services. The easier it is for them to find you online, the more likely they’ll reach out! That said, designing and building a website from scratch can be a daunting task if you’re not a web developer. Luckily there are plenty of resources on how to host your site. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about setting up an event planning website.

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Designing your Event Website is Now a Lot Easier

event website builder


The updates for the Dryfta event website builder were long due, and that’s why we have been working hard on the new website builder over the past few weeks. Unlike the previous version, this new website designer tool makes it a lot easier and quicker to design the website homepage, edit top navigation menus and create content pages.

Starting with the new website designer’s user interface itself, the new interface would open standalone, with the main sidebar collapsing automatically. That means the admin has the full screen to design the website. Also, to choose a theme for the website, one does not have to go to a separate page anymore. They can do so using the Theme Switcher in the top left.
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A Definitive Guide to Building an Event Website [PDF]

Guide to building an event website


As an event planner, having a website is crucial, especially when you are looking for a platform by which people can find you and solicit your services. But, what makes a good event website? And how do you even go about getting your new site up and running? We have all the details you need in this exhaustive guide on how to build an event website.

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UMaine Student Symposium 2019 by University of Maine – A Case Study

Dryfta was a Godsend!

The research and creative activities of undergraduate and graduate students are showcased at the annual UMaine Student Symposium. This day-long event features the work of students from academic disciplines ranging from the sciences and engineering to arts and humanities.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer review, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Program schedule building & management.

Here’s a quick interview with Tammy Crosby, Special Assistant to Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for UMaine Student Symposium
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Procurement Education Conference 2019 by Procurement Australia – A Case Study

Sensational! I can’t tell you enough how great this tool is you are organizing a conference or event

For the last 30+ years, Procurement Australia has been helping Australian businesses (big and small, public and private) get what they need by quickly, easily and expertly connecting people with companies, buyers with sellers and needs with solutions.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Creating Event website, Selling tickets online through credit card.

Here’s a quick interview with Esther Roper, Marketing Manager, Procurement Australia, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Procurement Australia Conference 2019
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University of Pennsylvania – Case Study

Great, comprehensive conference planning platform

The Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education invites submissions for its 2019 Annual Meeting and the celebration of the Forum’s 40th anniversary. The Forum welcomes scholars at all career stages seeking a supportive venue for sharing their ethnographic work at various stages of development.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Creating Program schedule.

Here’s a quick interview with Mary Yee, EdD, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Ethnography in Education Research Forum 2019
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