Best Social Network for Promoting Academic Conferences: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or LinkedIn?



Academic social networking sites, or ASNS as they are referred to, are digital platforms that have been gaining immense traction over the last few years as means of publishing and sharing academic content. From research papers and academic events to professional networking, ASNS are bringing about a paradigm shift in academic information disbursement.

Having said that, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & LinkedIn are communities that haven’t been given their due for their immense capabilities in event promotion & communiqué. Let’s look at how we ought to leverage these seemingly informal platforms to promote academic conferences.

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Four Ways Conference Delegates can Earn Continuing Education (CE) Credits



Having a professional degree or a license to practice, especially if you’re in the medical line, does not mean that it’s the end of the line for your studying. In fact, most licensed practitioners need to prove that they’re constantly learning and updating themselves with the most recent technological advancements in their respective fields. But, how would anyone know how and what you’ve been learning to keep yourself updated?

That’s where Continuing Education (CE) credits, also known as Continuing Education Units (CEU) in some parts of the world, come into play. These credits are just like the credits you earn in college, only that you can earn them in fun ways, like attending a seminar or conference, and not solely through classes and practical work. Here are some of the ways you can earn your CE credits while attending a conference or academic event.

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Event Marketing Guide for Academic Conferences [PDF]



The most important thing about an event is for it to serve the purpose it was planned, that is, it should reach the targeted audience and participants. Perhaps you are a strategic master at planning events, or you are just learning the art of events planning, but you have not been seeing much of the results you desire; there is something that you are missing out on.

What can make your events stand out, as well as gain the attention of the desired participants and audience is how you market them. Are you already marketing your events but are still not making as much progress as you want? This guide includes 35 event marketing tips you can learn to add more colors to how you plan and execute your meetings.

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University of Pennsylvania – Case Study

Great, comprehensive conference planning platform

The Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education invites submissions for its 2019 Annual Meeting and the celebration of the Forum’s 40th anniversary. The Forum welcomes scholars at all career stages seeking a supportive venue for sharing their ethnographic work at various stages of development.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Creating Program schedule.

Here’s a quick interview with Mary Yee, EdD, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Ethnography in Education Research Forum 2019
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Tips for Designing Research Posters



Poster designing is an all-embracing approach to display your activeness and hard work, notably if you are just springing into the research. They are much headache-free and less complicated way to deliver your actual message to the audience when compared to the oral presentations. However, it still presents valuable practices and excellent networking opportunities at expressing your obligation.

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