Gates Institute | ICFP collected 2900+ submissions – Case Study

hybrid sessions
abstract submissions


ICFP 2022 is the 1st large conference (with over 4500 attendees) from Johns Hopkins University, co-hosted by Gates Institute, that uses Dryfta event platform. ICFP 2022 2022 and IMNHC 2023 are the two other similar-sized conferences co-organized by JHU and hosted on Dryfta.


The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022 is a global forum for discussion of the challenges and opportunities in family planning, reproductive health and rights, and sexual and reproductive health.

ICFP 2022 Partners are committed to making sure that all women and men can access quality family planning services at an affordable cost. They recognize that there are many different factors that influence whether or not someone is able to access these services, including geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, age and socio-economic status.




ICFP Used Dryfta for:

2900+ Abstracts Submitted

The ICFP 2022 is a great example of how Dryfta can help you manage your submissions and review process in an efficient, cost-effective way. All authors at the conference were asked to submit their abstracts through Dryfta’s dashboard—allowing reviewers to be assigned and reviews completed.

When they started planning their conference, they knew that having a well-organized review process would be essential to the success of their event. They also knew that their team is small and busy, so they needed to make sure that the review process was easy for everyone involved.

The Dryfta platform made it easy for them to collect the abstracts from authors in a way that suited their needs, and then allowed them to quickly and easily decide on accepting or rejecting them based on their quality. Reviewers could evaluate abstracts assigned to them in less than five minutes and track chairs then accept or reject submissions and let the system notify authors automatically based on their abstracts’ statuses.

After reviewing all of the submissions, they were able to invite authors into Dryfta so they could upload their final presentations. This whole process took place within the Dryfta platform, which allowed them to stay organized even as they worked with multiple people at once.

3800+ Attendees registered

ICFP 2022 was a huge success! Over 3800 attendees registered for the summit using Dryfta’s ticketing system. They were able to use a combination of online and offline payment methods, which made it easy for attendees to pay for their tickets in multiple ways.

They had so many goals for their registration process, and therefore needed a tool that could do it all: offer both online and offline payment options for our attendees, and be able to ask custom questions from attendees depending on the ticket type they are buying and the event they are registering for during the ticket buying process.

Dryfta’s event ticketing platform offered everything they were looking for in an online ticketing system! It allowed them to configure the look and feel of the registration form based on the specific needs of the conference, and we provided all the tools we needed right out of the box—no need for additional integrations or complicated setups.

350+ Hybrid Sessions

Hybrid events are a great way to reach out to your target audience.

The virtual attendees of the event were able to join remotely to watch the live streams. This is an increasingly popular way to reach out to your target audience, as it allows you to reach more people and reduce the cost of travel. The virtual participants could ask the questions from anywhere in the world and without taking time away from the physical attendees.

This approach is especially useful for in-person events where there are many attendees who will be interested in attending remotely, but who can’t make it physically due to cost or other reasons. Also those who missed sessions can watch them on demand until the next one year, which is a big advantage of hybrid events. It means that people don’t need to be available for the entire event in order to take advantage of what it offers.

Private messaging + Event app

What if you could instantly connect with people who shared your interests and background? Imagine how much easier it would be to find someone to talk to at an event, or even just start a conversation on the fly.

A great way to do this is through a matchmaking tool, combined with a private messaging and video chat tool which provides attendees with a list of other attendees based on their interests or background. During ICFP 2022 conference, this helped attendees find people they can connect with and learn more about.

Dryfta’s event app for ICFP 2022 was a huge success for the conference. Not only did it help boost attendee engagement and increase attendance, but it also made the event more memorable by helping attendees network with each other and explore the program schedule. The Dryfta app worked as both a community networking platform and an interactive program schedule.

Dryfta’s app also gave sponsors the opportunity to show off their company’s brand with a custom page that included links to their website, social media accounts and more. Sponsors had access to their own page where they could post content related to their products or services without needing any help from organizers.

Targeted email campaigns

The organizers were able to reach over 1,50,000 contacts and attendees through email campaigns. In total, the ICFP organizers sent out over 30 email campaigns, including invites to the event, information related to the schedule and venue, updates about the program etc. They also used our segmentation tool to target contacts by their roles, organizations or other criteria. This allowed them to send targeted email campaigns to ensure that attendees had the information they needed before they arrived at the venue.

Participation certificates

They wanted to make sure that everyone who attends is recognized for their contribution and help them feel valued within their community. Therefore, they used the Participation Certificate Builder tool that generated participation certificates in real time (fetching attendee details from the integrated Dryfta CRM on its own) and distributed them directly to their attendees via email. They could also download the certificates from their Dryfta dashboard.