How to Price Event Tickets to Maximise Return on Investment (ROI)?



Pricing event tickets is a tricky affair. Tremendous thought, research and number crunching goes into finding a price that gets people from all economic strata to see value in your ticket. On the flipside, the price you choose must also help you cover costs and attain the profit margins you are aiming at. Some useful tactics for achieving this pricing equilibrium are:

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Maintaining Professionalism in an Event Management Company: Tips for Event Managers



Event managers are people whom, by the nature of their job, would be meeting lots of people. Hence, it is crucial for event managers and planners to maintain a certain standard of professionalism and grace when in communication with other people, especially when they are at work.

But, as an event manager, you are required to be quite open and friendly with your clients, sponsors and event attendees, even, so the line of professionalism can be pretty blurred. However, we have put together a list of 10 sure-fire tips to help you stay professional at all times, without having to cut back on your charm, friendliness and sense of humor.

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Preparing a Budget for Your Conference: A Step-by-Step Approach



A conference would be perfectly organized and executed on the outside as if everything was running on clockwork. Behind the scenes of such flawless academic events lies a lot of planning and forecasting, including some pretty complicated financial budgeting.

Preparing an event budget can leave you stumped at times, especially when it’s your first one. There are many things that need to be considered during budgeting, including the cost that it will incur and how that cost is relevant to the conference’s basic proceedings that you had in mind.

But, here are some easy-to-follow steps that you can use to quickly and effectively draw up a concise budget for your event planning convenience.


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How to Find Sponsors for Your Event?



Organizing an event not only takes up lots of time and effort but it also requires a lot of funds. In most cases, events are sponsored by a few large companies, also looking to gain some form of publicity through your event. Sponsorship usually comes in the form of gifts, goodie bags and in some cases, cold hard cash that can come in handy where you need to spend.

But, how can you get sponsors for your event and where do you even begin to scout for them? We can tell you that it’s not an easy feat. Here are 10 ways to recruit sponsors for your event and make sure that your event is an absolute roaring success.

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Using Experiential Marketing to Increase your Event Footfall



Running an event isn’t exactly something that you’d refer to as a walk in the park. There are many things that need to be considered in order to ensure its success. Among them, event marketing is a crucial component that most definitely needs to be worked on. Most event planners now resort to experiential marketing to increase the number of people attending their events.

But, what exactly is experiential marketing? It is a method of promotion of your product or service, by way of educating your target market or audience and getting them to experience what you have to offer, first hand. Let’s see how this unique method of marketing can be applied in the world of events.

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Four Ways Conference Delegates can Earn Continuing Education (CE) Credits



Having a professional degree or a license to practice, especially if you’re in the medical line, does not mean that it’s the end of the line for your studying. In fact, most licensed practitioners need to prove that they’re constantly learning and updating themselves with the most recent technological advancements in their respective fields. But, how would anyone know how and what you’ve been learning to keep yourself updated?

That’s where Continuing Education (CE) credits, also known as Continuing Education Units (CEU) in some parts of the world, come into play. These credits are just like the credits you earn in college, only that you can earn them in fun ways, like attending a seminar or conference, and not solely through classes and practical work. Here are some of the ways you can earn your CE credits while attending a conference or academic event.

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