University of Missouri, St. Louis – Case Study

Great Product, Great Price and Amazing Customer Service!

The Midwest Digital Marketing Conference is the largest digital marketing conference in the Midwest, is rated a Top Marketing Conference to Check Out in 2019 by Forbes and has set attendance records with nearly 2,000 marketers.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer review, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Program schedule building & management, and Engaging attendees on Dryfta event apps.

Here’s a quick interview with Brianna Smith, Adjunct Professor, UMSL Digital, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Midwest Digital Marketing Conference
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How to Improve the Quality of Talks at Academic Conferences?



An academic conference is an event for researchers to present and discuss their work usually put together by an academic body or a group of researchers with a mutual interest. It serves as an essential avenue for the exchange of information between researchers.

People attend conferences to learn about new analysis and findings in domains that are either theirs or are unfamiliar to them, to meet their peer groups from other organizations, and to have fresh and healthy discussions about the state of their mutual interests.

Academicians can be good because they usually do authentic and sincere research to support their claims. However, the downside is that they can be overly pedagogical and dull. A lot of these conferences are a waste of time and resources; everyone is either dozing off or doing something else. A research showed that almost 50% of conference attendees spend most of the time at the meeting on social media while more than 50% are busy doing other work not related to the topic. This leads us to question the quality of the talks at conferences.

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Live-Tweeting Tips & Etiquette at Academic Conferences



With the spread of social media networking, which is often equated to the speed of wildfire, almost no one is a stranger to the terms Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. However, being a person of reputable academic background, there are times when you would wonder if it would be okay to incorporate the social media element into the academic life.

Of late, academic seminars and event aren’t as “boring” as they were back in the day, with more animated and interesting presentations of academic findings and research papers, some of which are quite noteworthy and shareable with friends via social media. This is one of the main reasons why the question of suitability of social media use in academic settings was put forward, to start with.

To help with this conundrum, that almost all new researchers face, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide of etiquette and best practices for live-tweeting at academic events:
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Five Benefits of Attending Academic Conferences



Academic conferences are an integral part of the scientific community. Such conferences are a platform for researchers to share their most recent findings with their peers and to encourage a healthy discussion between researches from a variety of backgrounds and fields of study. However, in this day and age, attendance at such symposiums of knowledge are slowly diminishing. Why you ask? People nowadays don’t seem keen in sitting for hours listening to “someone talking”. The fast-paced life and technological advancements has caused us to shy away from such social events that involve actual time and energy to socialize and learn something new.

We’ve put together a few things that you’re missing out if you’re not one of those that are not too keen on attending elaborate academic discussions:

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Organ Preservation Alliance’s Organ Banking Summit 2017 – A Case Study

Excellent, One stop shop for event management – Far exceeds expectations

Organ Preservation Alliance is helping to bring about a world in which organs and tissues are as durable outside the body as they are inside it – with profound implications for science, medicine, and millions of patients around the globe.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email notifications, Peer review, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Program schedule management

Here’s a quick interview with Mark Severs, Operations Director, Organ Preservation Alliance, about his experience with using Dryfta event platform for Organ Banking Summit 2017.
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Agenda Conflict Management – Manage Conflicting Sessions in Program Agenda


Import your program sessions or add them manually using Quick add button to prepare your program schedule. Once your program schedule is ready, click on Conflicts button to view conflicts between sessions. Each session which is conflict with another session is listed there along with the reason for the conflict.

Conflict management system checks for conflict between venue and time and corresponding speakers. An admin has the option to resolve the conflict by changing the venue, or adjusting the time slot of the session in conflict.

Admin has the option to override conflicts and schedule the sessions as is. This would, however, displays different sessions in program schedule with same venues at the same time slot or same time slot at the same venue.

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