How Autodesk is using Dryfta to Manage Autodesk University Conferences


When Autodesk team initially thought about using Dryfta to manage their events, they were primarily interested in using our abstract management and peer reviews system to host their call for papers for 12 conferences across the globe including Australia, Brazil, Middle East and ASEAN countries.

Later, after we walked them through an extensive demo and explained them about our various other offerings, they decided to use Dryfta for other more important requirements including tasks workflow and management for speakers, program/sessions management, and a multi-lingual platform with support for RTL languages. Except a few customization, they have used almost all of our features as is.
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Association Typographique Internationale (ATYPI) Warsaw Conference 2016 – A Case Study

Dryfta works: platform of choice for ATypI

ATypI, Association Typographique Internationale, is the global forum and focal point for the type and typography communities and business.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email notifications, Peer review, Creating Event website, Email marketing

Here’s a quick interview with Tamye Riggs, Director, ATYPI, about her experience with using the Dryfta event platform for ATYPI Warsaw Conference 2016.
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Non-profits & organizations signed up for Dryfta event platform (December)

With newly added features in November last month, Dryfta has gained 3 new customers in the non-profits and government organization segment this month, including: Oasis Open for their conference Borderless Cyber USA Conference and Integrative Medicine for the Underserved (Im4Us) to host their 6th Im4Us 2017 Conference.

Alongside non-profits, we have signed up with the Ministry of Health, Kenya, to host their 10th Annual Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference. They shall use Dryfta to accept abstract submissions and conduct peer reviews, send email campaigns, build a full-fledged event website, sell tickets, creating name badges & participation certificates and numerous other requirements.

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To see the latest features added and improvements made to the Dryfta event platform, go to our System Status page.
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Cukurova University Linguistics Conference – A Case Study

The Ideal System for Managing Your Events

Annual LIF conferences have already become an academic platform for exchanging exciting ideas, projects and scientific research results between aspiring academics, teachers, and well-known researchers. In harmony with this spirit of academic enthusiasm, LIF2017 Conference aims at providing a forum for participants from various disciplines and research communities to advance interconnections between Applied Linguistics and ELT and explore different perspectives on the application of research findings into practice.


Used Dryfta for: Selling tickets online using Dryfta payment gateway, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Abstract management, Peer review, Documents management, Speakers & Attendees lists, Photo Gallery, Videos

Here’s a quick interview with Fatih Bozdağ, EFL Instructor, Cukurova University, about his experience with using the Dryfta event platform for Language in Focus 2017.
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PNW PHP Conference – A Case Study

The Pacific Northwest PHP Conference is a 3-day event for PHP developers living in the Pacific Northwest region.


Used Dryfta for: Selling tickets online using Stripe payment gateway, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Automated email notifications, Abstract management, Peer reviews, Sponsors lists, Speakers lists, Event registration, Program schedule

Here’s a quick interview with Tessa Mero, Organizer for the PNW PHP Conference, about her experience with using the Dryfta event platform for PNW PHP Conference 2016.
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Dublin City University – Case Study

Dublin City University organized the Digital Learning Research Symposium to give voice to a wide range of Irish educators and researchers across all levels and sectors. Over 40 submissions were received for concise research papers and rapid fire presentations from a number of first-time participants, doctoral candidates and teams working on interesting research projects.


Used Dryfta for: Event registration, Abstract management, Conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Custom contents, Storify integration, Display Twitter feeds

Here’s a quick interview with Dr. Eamon Costello, IT Programmes Director, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, about his experience with using the Dryfta event platform for Digital Learning Symposium 2016.
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