University of Pennsylvania – Case Study

Great, comprehensive conference planning platform

The Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education invites submissions for its 2019 Annual Meeting and the celebration of the Forum’s 40th anniversary. The Forum welcomes scholars at all career stages seeking a supportive venue for sharing their ethnographic work at various stages of development.


Used Dryfta for: Collecting abstracts, Sending email campaigns, Assigning abstracts to reviewers & conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Selling tickets through credit card payments, Creating Program schedule.

Here’s a quick interview with Mary Yee, EdD, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, about her experience with using Dryfta event platform for Ethnography in Education Research Forum 2019

What do you like best about Dryfta?

Data management, custom report generation, and email communications features as well as ability to link accounts with proposal submission, proposal reviews, and attendee payments.

What do you dislike, and if you have any feature requests?

Confusing instructions for uploading data for program schedule creation, inconsistent layout and graphic features of online program schedule and downloadable PDF, and inability to upload or manipulate graphics to any degree on website landing page. Also instructions for customizing some fields in forms was unclear, causing some fields not to be sortable. However, almost all of these issues were solved by the time our annual conference started.

Update: The program schedule builder now has a drag and drop program scheduler for easy program building. We now also have new tutorials with easy to follow instructions.

What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?

We were able to have all our conference planning functions integrated onto one platform with features that spoke to each other. The benefits were being able to use one application instead of having to have data in multiple places and then having to match accounts from one application with ones in another. Dryfta ensured that all the data was correlated accurately. The technical assistance and customer service were excellent-always prompt and willing to resolve a problem.

Recommendations to others considering the product

I highly recommend Dryfta.