Events aren’t a one-man show. They require immense involvement and dexterity of a large group of skilled individuals that come together to make it a success. More often than not, as event organizers, you may be in need of volunteers who work for you for non-monetary benefits. While such volunteers are certainly out there, getting them onboard may be a challenge. Fret not, here are ten ways you can get some fantastically talented and enthusiastic volunteers for your events.
☑ Define Your Requirements
The first step to ensuring you bag the right volunteers is looking deep into your event management expanse and ascertaining the areas you require volunteer assistance for. Next, draw out niche skill sets volunteers ought to have that complement your requirements. Based on the man-hours of work, determine the number of volunteers you need for each niche. Excessive idle time and long work hours are a big no-no.
☑ Promote Volunteer Opportunities
Aggressively promote your volunteer opportunities across all your digital and physical marketing collaterals. Clearly, state the requirements and also the wide exposure the volunteers are likely to benefit from, aside from the incentives and experience certificates your event organization will provide them with.
☑ Look in the Right Direction
Once you ascertain the exact roles you need volunteers for, scout universities or training institutes that hone such skills in budding trainees. Creative artists can be found in design institutes while marketing volunteers in management universities. This way, the experience they garner from your event ensures takeaways that relate to their area of expertise.
☑ Clearly Chart Out Roles
Any volunteer joining your team must clearly understand the task at hand. No one likes running from pillar to post figuring what’s needed of them. Clearly chalking out their roles and duties will not only make them efficient and enthusiastic but will also ensure they join your team being fully aware of your expectations.
☑ Create a Hierarchy
Establish at the onset a clear order of reporting so that your volunteers are directed, led and channelized in the right direction in accordance with the goals of your event and their role in it. Often times, volunteers may be zealous but may not have the right leadership to direct them. That’ where your core team comes in.
☑ Youth Forums
Get your team of recruiters to liaise with youth groups and forums such as AIESEC. These groups house budding professionals looking for part-time projects across all areas and niches. With a mix of students and graduates, you will find the right fit for your requirements.
☑ Incentivize Well
While you don’t have to pay your volunteers in cash, incentives in kind are certainly appreciated. It could be vouchers from your sponsors, apparel, or even complementary goodies. Such small gestures go a long way in bringing volunteers back for your next event.
☑ Associate with a Social Cause
A great way to widen the spectrum of your event’s reach for its volunteers is by associating yourself with a social cause. Many a time, volunteers join in not for the experience or the incentives, but to do their bit in giving back to society.
☑ Leverage Tie-ups with Sponsors
A great incentive that is sure to attract a score of volunteers is an extended association with your key sponsors which could be big MNCs, leading NGOs or stellar start-ups. A knowledge sharing session with the sponsors’ key top-level management and event a site visit should have them thrilled about your volunteer opportunities.
☑ Volunteer Databases
Dig into your repertoire of past events to churn out details of past volunteers, many of whom would be happy to volunteer again if they see value in what you have to offer to them in terms of experience and incentives.
Lastly, don’t forget to say thank you to your volunteers through a thoughtful e-mail or a personalized hand-written note. This way, you will have them back to help you in a jiffy.