If you host plenty of sessions at your conference, scheduling them must have been no easy task! There’re just so many variables to deal with. Venues, Speakers, Moderators, Presentations, Tracks, Days, Time slots. Multiply that with 10s and 100s of Sessions and you have thousands of probabilities to think about.
Now, imagine having all that information nicely displayed in one single view where you can simply drag your venues and speakers to your sessions, drag your sessions to days and time slots, drag & drop a speaker from one session to another… All this makes it possible for you have a visual glimpse of your schedule in real-time.
Introducing Program Scheduler: How it works
On the left column, there’re either unscheduled sessions you can import or manually add to program schedule or a dropdown of presentations, venues, tracks, formats, speakers and moderators.
Event admin can drag a venue, track, format or a speaker and drop it to a Session in the right column. Event admin can also switch to Months/Weeks/Day view to move sessions from one date to another date. One can also switch to Day view and move sessions between time slots.
Changes are auto-saved / Lists are auto-updated
Once a session is dragged to a date/time slot, it is removed from the list of unscheduled sessions, saving you from one less thing to think about! Also, once a presentation is dropped to a session, it is automatically removed from the list of presentations.
Give it a try and let us know your feedback!