Transforming Ticket Management with New Discount and Tax Features


Dryfta is committed to delivering solutions that simplify event management for organizers and enhance the experience for attendees. Our latest updates to the event ticketing software introduce advanced options for applying discounts and taxes, providing greater flexibility and clarity throughout the ticket purchase process.

Flexible Discount Options

One of the key updates is the ability to apply discounts either per ticket type or across the entire order. Previously, discounts were applied to each ticket, which could cause issues when purchasing multiple tickets. For example, a discount of $50 per ticket with a maximum of $100 would fail if more than two tickets were purchased. With the new feature, discounts can be evenly split across all tickets in an order, preventing these issues and ensuring smoother transactions.

Adapting to Existing Users

To accommodate existing users, we’ve added an option to continue applying discounts per ticket or to split the discount across all tickets. This flexibility allows organizers to maintain their current discount strategies or adapt to the new method. For instance, a 100% discount previously applied to each ticket can now be distributed as a 50% discount across two tickets, providing more balanced savings.

Streamlined Tax Application

Tax application has also been simplified. If a single tax rate is applied to all tickets, the tax amount will now be displayed beside the total final amount rather than per ticket. For custom taxes applied per ticket type, the tax amount will still be shown beside each ticket. This change clarifies tax information, making it easier for attendees to understand their total cost.

Consistent Communication Across Channels

These updates extend to all associated emails, prints, invoices, and receipts. When a ticket is free due to a discount code, the original amount, discount applied, and discount code will be clearly displayed. This level of detail ensures attendees understand the discounts they received, enhancing transparency and trust.

Benefits for Everyone

Organizers: Gain flexibility in managing discounts and taxes, improving marketing strategies and reducing complications during ticket sales.

Attendees: Experience clearer, more straightforward pricing information, enhancing their confidence and satisfaction during the purchase process.

These updates to our event ticketing software reflect Dryfta’s dedication to providing innovative, user-friendly solutions that elevate the event experience. We look forward to seeing how you leverage these new features to enhance your events.