Agenda Conflict Management – Manage Conflicting Sessions in Program Agenda


Import your program sessions or add them manually using Quick add button to prepare your program schedule. Once your program schedule is ready, click on Conflicts button to view conflicts between sessions. Each session which is conflict with another session is listed there along with the reason for the conflict.

Conflict management system checks for conflict between venue and time and corresponding speakers. An admin has the option to resolve the conflict by changing the venue, or adjusting the time slot of the session in conflict.

Admin has the option to override conflicts and schedule the sessions as is. This would, however, displays different sessions in program schedule with same venues at the same time slot or same time slot at the same venue.

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Program Changelog – Track Changes made to your Program Schedule

Until now, you were able to create program schedule, list speakers, check-in attendees to sessions et al. With this new update, admin would now be able to track all the changes made to the program agenda.


Changes are now logged and displayed under Program builder tool’s Program Changelog. This helps admins know what changes are made when and by whom which further helps bring accountability among the team members.

The changes that are logged include changes in sessions, speakers, session notes, time slot changes, venue changes, format and track changes.
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Build Event Schedule for Your Conferences

Got workshops & presentations lined up for your conference? Get Dryfta Event Platform to add your programs including keynotes, lunch intervals and presentations.

It lets you to add workshops & presentations, rooms & session venues, multiple tracks, multiple formats, speakers and moderators, fetches abstract summary from accepted abstracts automatically and has a built-in session timing conflict prevention system.

Attendees are able to add these sessions to their personal schedule and also be able to check-in to these sessions, share these sessions on their social networks, share photos and engage in live discussions.

Here’s an example of what event organizers can build using Program Builder:

Program Schedule

If you have a feature request, we’re all ears. You can submit your feature requests on our support desk.

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