Student’s Guide to Event Success: Planning and Organizing Events in Universities

Event success guide


Events are an important part of your university experience. They provide opportunities for you to connect with other students, faculty and staff. They also help you develop skills that will help you in your future career.

However, when planning an event, it’s important to set your expectations correctly. You want to be able to plan a successful event, but at the same time you don’t want to put too much pressure on yourself.

To plan and organize successful events, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the Event Goals and Objectives

The first thing to do is to determine the goals and objectives of your event. This will help you decide how much effort you want to put into organizing it, as well as how much time and money you want to invest. You can choose any type of goal or objective, such as:

  • Raising awareness about an issue in your community
  • Increasing participation in a sport or activity that is underutilized on campus
  • Promoting student health by encouraging exercise during finals week

Step 2: Develop a Budget

It’s essential to develop a budget for your event. This will help you to determine how much money you can allocate toward the project, as well as what costs might be incurred during the planning period or on event day itself. A good way to do this is by breaking down all of your expected expenses into cost categories and determining how much each category will cost. For example:

  • Venue Rental/Setup Fees = $500
  • Catering Costs = $1,000 (three meals for 200 people)
  • Music Booking Fee = $500 (for one band) The more specific you are about what types of things need covered in each category, the more accurate your overall budget will be—and if there are any unexpected costs that arise later in the process, it’ll be easier for everyone involved to adjust accordingly.

Step 3: Determine the Event Audience

As you can see, there is a lot of information to consider when determining your event audience. Here are some tips to help you narrow down the possibilities:

  • Identify the audience. Begin by identifying who will be attending your event and why. For example, is it a class project? A club meeting? An alumni get-together? If it’s for work or school, then think about how many people make up that group and if there are any particular characteristics that can help define them (age group, gender identity). For example, if you’re organizing an event on campus to raise money for charity but only want students from one specific department involved in planning and executing the project (e.g., engineering students), then it’s important for those students to know that upfront so they can plan accordingly (e.g., finding rooms on campus that fit with their needs).
  • Determine demographics of attendees. It’s also helpful if possible when planning an event off-campus or away from school/work environments because then there is no pressure from management—who may have other concerns they need addressed first—and thus time isn’t wasted figuring out logistics before even figuring out who should attend!

Step 4: Create an Event Program

An event program is a tool that you can use to communicate your message, raise awareness of your cause, and generate donations.

The first step in creating an event program is to know what it means for you—the organizers—to have a good time at the event. What aspects do you want people to remember? How do these aspects relate to your mission or purpose as an organization?

Once you have this information, ask yourself if there are certain elements that would be helpful for participants and guests on the day of the event. For example, if this will be a formal affair (like an awards ceremony), does each guest need an invitation or ticket stub with their name printed on it? Or perhaps print-outs with directions from home/work/other locations can help ensure that everyone makes it there safely and efficiently. If food will be provided by the venue or caterer vendor they may offer some guidance regarding dietary restrictions; however if not we recommend asking attendees ahead of time so they can let us know what meals might not work well for them such as vegetarian/vegan options etc..

Step 5: Find a Venue

You are now ready to search for a venue that fits the event needs, budget and audience. The first step is to check out your campus facilities. If you have a small group of students, you may want to consider holding your event in a classroom or office building. You can also check with local businesses (such as restaurants) and community organizations that might be willing to let you use their space for free or at reduced rates.

If you have a larger group of attendees, consider booking meeting rooms at one of our larger student centers, such as our Student Union Building (SUB). The SUB has many different types of spaces available including large ballrooms perfect for graduation ceremonies or events with over 200 people attending; smaller classrooms equipped with built-in A/V equipment ideal for training sessions; lecture halls designed specifically for discussion panels; conference rooms designed for small groups; lounges where guests can relax between sessions; cafeterias offering food and beverage options (including alcohol); retail shops selling everything from clothing and accessories to electronics; recreation centers offering gymnasiums complete with basketball courts, pool tables & ping pong tables plus much more!

Step 6: Produce a Master Schedule

The master schedule is an all-encompassing, detailed list of everything that needs to be done in order for your event to run smoothly. It should include: the name of the event; a brief overview of what it is; the date and time it will take place; a list of people who need to be involved (including their contact information); a list of all materials needed; a timeline for when each task needs to be completed by; any deadlines related to your project; and finally, any other important notes or resources you might need during this process.

The master schedule serves as your central hub while planning an event, allowing you to easily track what needs to be done and when it has been completed without having multiple documents open at once. It should also act as an archive so that if something goes wrong with one aspect or another part later down the road (for example: missing equipment), then this document will help remind everyone exactly where everything went wrong so there’s no confusion about where things stand now versus earlier on in production.

Step 7: Delegate Responsibilities to an Event Team

As you are assigning roles to each member of your team, make sure to include yourself in the process as well. This can help keep things organized and on track. As a team leader, it’s important for you to stay on task and make sure everyone is doing their part correctly. Make sure that each person knows what they need to do and when they need to do it by checking in with them throughout the event planning process.

As the organizer of an event or activity, there may be times where outside factors will get in the way of completing certain tasks or goals. For example: if one person on your team is unable to complete their assignments because they are busy with another project or classwork; then this could cause problems if not handled properly early on in the process (i.e., assigning someone else who can take over). Remember that everyone needs feedback so that they know what they did right and wrong during an event’s execution–this will allow them create better plans next time around!

Step 8: Develop Marketing Strategy and Plan

Now that you’ve developed your event’s vision, mission and budget, it’s time to think about marketing your event.

Your marketing strategy should include a goal for attendance (the number of people you want to attend), as well as the tactics you’ll use to reach that goal. You should also consider sending out invitations for your event. Here are some tips on developing a successful marketing plan:

  • Give students the details they need to know when deciding whether or not to attend an event. The more information they have about the logistics of participating in an event (for example, how many hours do I need to commit?), and what benefits they can expect from attending (such as learning something new), the better chance they will have at making an informed decision about whether or not this is something worth their time and effort.
  • Be careful not to oversell yourself—and by extension, oversell what’s being offered at your university-sponsored events! Remember that while participants may be excited about taking part in something new with friends or professional peers who share similar interests as themselves——they’re still human beings who can only take so much excitement before becoming overwhelmed by all things wonderful happening around them!

Step 9. Create an Event Checklist

This is the final step in your event planning process. It’s also the easiest one! All you need to do is create a checklist that includes all of your tasks, small and large, from start to finish. To make sure you’re covering all bases and not forgetting anything important, use our Event Planning Checklist as a template for your own:

  • Timeline: This will tell calendar users when specific things need to happen for your event—such as when registration closes or how long until the event itself begins. You may even want to include an estimated end date if there’s going to be any kind of follow-up afterwords (like an open house).
  • Budget: A budget helps keep track of what needs funding and where funds come from (if they’re being paid through an external source). If there are multiple budgets involved in this project (e.g., catering), then those should also be included here with their own separate line items so everything is clear at a glance without having too much clutter on one page!
  • Staffing Plan: This can include details about which people will be needed during each stage of preparation before getting into more detailed specifics like what tasks each person should take on during setup/cleanup time or how many hours they’ll likely work per week while helping out with various aspects throughout this process..

Planning, organization and teamwork are important for a successful event

Planning, organization and teamwork are important for a successful event. Without these three elements the outcome of your event will be mediocre at best. Planning is crucial because it helps you make sure that everything runs smoothly, from start to finish. Organization helps keep things on track by making sure that everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it—and then getting them started on their tasks! Teamwork means working with other students (and perhaps faculty members) in planning the event itself. It also involves working with those same people throughout the process of organizing and preparing for that event; if everyone contributes their own unique skill set then there’s no limit as far as how great this experience could go!

Communication is key when you’re working with other people: whether it’s communicating ideas or feelings about an idea or task at hand; explaining why something needs doing differently than originally thought; or just asking for clarification about something so no one gets confused later on down the road… Communication between team members should always be open and honest so there aren’t any misunderstandings later on down line.

Passing Thoughts

This guide is meant to be a starting point for you as you plan your first event. There is so much information out there regarding event planning, but it can get overwhelming and confusing. This guide intends to give students an overview of what they need to know when they are organizing their own events!