Dublin City University – Case Study

Dublin City University organized the Digital Learning Research Symposium to give voice to a wide range of Irish educators and researchers across all levels and sectors. Over 40 submissions were received for concise research papers and rapid fire presentations from a number of first-time participants, doctoral candidates and teams working on interesting research projects.


Used Dryfta for: Event registration, Abstract management, Conducting Peer reviews, Creating Event website, Email marketing, Custom contents, Storify integration, Display Twitter feeds

Here’s a quick interview with Dr. Eamon Costello, IT Programmes Director, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, about his experience with using the Dryfta event platform for Digital Learning Symposium 2016.

What do you like best?

The support from the Dryfta team on any queries.

What do you dislike?

More proceedings formatting/layout options would be nice e.g. authors must be placed one on top of the other versus across the page. Or an export to Word so we could do this..

Update: Please note that this feature is now available in the Abstract Book Builder tool.

What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?

Ran a great conference!