Top 7 Guides for Organizing a Successful Virtual Event


A curated list of guides & resources for organizing a successful virtual event.

The list includes guides & resources for:

Virtual event terminology
Planning a virtual event: content production, technology, rehearsals
Selecting a virtual event platform
Making virtual event exciting




Organising Successful Virtual Events
by Pollicy

Our first virtual event focused on introducing participants to virtual events and we explored options and tips for carrying out successful virtual events.


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virtual classroom

Differences between Webinar and Virtual Event
by eLearning Industry

Webinars and virtual classrooms are different—but how? And does that affect the number of people, what you can cover, and how to run a session?


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How to Plan Engaging Virtual Events
by Enterprisers Project

As conference organizers face the daunting task of moving events from in-person to online, what can they learn from virtual events that get it right?


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Dryfta virtual event platform

How can you Make a Webinar Exciting
by The Print

Webinars should be about conversations, not endless monologues. Also, invest in lighting and look at the camera, not screen.


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Dryfta virtual event platform

Live Streaming a Webinar on your Event Website
by Dryfta

Live stream virtual sessions on your event website through Zoom and IBM Video Streaming for offering a branded user experience, multiple monetization channels, and better participants & exhibitors engagement.


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Dryfta virtual event

How to Make your Virtual Event Shine
by MIT Sloan Review

If you can make your online presentation interesting, interactive, and clearly designed for your audience, they will enjoy it and be grateful.


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