Zoom Integration for Dryfta is now Available

Dryfta + Zoom integration


Zoom integration for Dryfta is now available. Check it out: https://marketplace.zoom.us/apps/E9nF_cbOSaSapHT0FCpwew

If you, however, wish to Livestream your Zoom webinar within your website and not want people to keep switching between your website and Zoom for each webinar, read this guide: https://dryfta.com/live-stream-webinar-on-event-website/


Dryfta is the all-in-one, fully-integrated, collaborative event platform that event organizers use to collect submissions, sell tickets for online meetings & on-demand videos, create program schedule and send email campaigns. All from one dashboard.

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Top 7 Guides for Organizing a Successful Virtual Event


A curated list of guides & resources for organizing a successful virtual event.

The list includes guides & resources for:

Virtual event terminology
Planning a virtual event: content production, technology, rehearsals
Selecting a virtual event platform
Making virtual event exciting




Organising Successful Virtual Events
by Pollicy

Our first virtual event focused on introducing participants to virtual events and we explored options and tips for carrying out successful virtual events.


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How to Live Stream a Webinar on your Event Website


The Biggest Disadvantage of Webinar Platforms
For hosting virtual events, organizers generally use a webinar platform like Zoom and share a link to the webinar on their event website. This setup, however, means participants have to check-in to sessions on your event website. Then they’re redirected to the associated Zoom webinar that would open in a Zoom desktop client. Participants then flock back to the site and check-in to another session and are redirected again to the associated Zoom webinar. So, they have to switch between the website and the webinar platform continuously.

The Biggest Advantage of Live-Streaming
As a better alternative, if you want to improve the participants’ experience, so they do not have to move out of the website and go to Zoom to watch the webinar for each session, you can Livestream webinars on your website. This setup lets you offer a branded user experience, ability to monetize through multiple channels and provide audience engagement tools to participants and exhibitors right within the website.

In this article, we will talk about the steps required to Live-stream your virtual sessions on your event website. For this tutorial, we have used the following tools:

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