Dryfta subprocessors

To facilitate the provision of our services, Dryfta Corporation may employ and grant data processors access to specific Customer Data (each referred to as a 'Subprocessor'). This page outlines essential details about the identity, location, and role of each Subprocessor. Terms not explicitly defined on this page are understood as defined in the customer terms of service (or, if applicable, the overriding written contract between the Customer and Dryfta or a Dryfta affiliate) (the 'Agreement').

Third Parties

Dryfta currently engages third-party Subprocessors to deliver infrastructure services and to assist in offering customer support and email notifications. Before onboarding any third-party Subprocessor, Dryfta conducts due diligence to assess their privacy, security, and confidentiality measures, and enters into an agreement that outlines the relevant obligations.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

Dryfta may utilize the following Subprocessors to store Customer Data or supply other infrastructure that aids in the delivery of our services:

Entity name Purpose of processing Location of subprocessors Additional details
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Dryfta: Third-party hosting provider
  • United States
  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
Customers may select a data region.
Amazon S3 (Amazon Web Services, Inc.) Storage
  • United States
  • Germany
Customers may select a data region.
Google LLC DNS Management Services Global
Cloudfront (Amazon Web Services, Inc.) CDN Global
Sendgrid Mail provider United States Email notifications sent by the Dryfta are powered by Sendgrid
Firebase (Google LLC) Messaging Services Global Private messages sent by attendees are powered by Firebase
Vimeo Video storage United States Video files submitted by users are stored on Vimeo
Twilio SMS Global

As Dryfta continues to expand and adapt, the Subprocessors we collaborate with may also undergo changes. We commit to notifying the account holder of any new Subprocessors as mandated by the Agreement, in addition to updating this information here. We encourage you to revisit this page regularly for the latest updates.