Matchmaking tool helps attendees find other attendees with similar interests.
During registration, attendee would choose his/her interests.
Admin can manage (add/edit/delete) interests using form builder tool.
- attendees can make changes to their chosen interests from the update profile page
- matchmaking tool would match attendees with similar interests and recommend them to user
- matchmaking tool is accessible from the website, mobile website and the Dryfta event apps
Matchmaking tool helps attendees engage with attendees with similar interests.
- more targeted matchmaking means more engagement
- displays interests for each profile which are matched with the attendee’s interests
- attendee can click on the user’s profile to view attendee details
To engage with a matched attendee, user can request connection and setup a meeting.
- attendee can view details of the matched attendee
- attendee details include the sessions he/she is attending, the company attendee works at and other details
- send connection request to attendee. If accepted, user can view more details of the attendee including his/her phone number
- user can set up meeting with attendee by choosing a time slot