For university event organizers, a common approach to set up an academic conference is to use an array of tools, e.g., WordPress, Eventbrite, Easychair, and Mailchimp. Then put your staff into multi-tasking mode and try to get your event off the ground.
What would it be like if you could access all of these features from a single platform, all fully integrated, making for a seamless, unified data flow? Dryfta event platform solves this issue of unstructured data flow caused primarily due to using one too many tools by offering a set of fully-integrated tools. Let’s see how Dryfta stacks up with each of these tools regarding features and functionality.
Using Dryfta, university event organizers can manage multiple events including symposiums, workshops & conferences from a single interface, collect online payments and create custom event registration forms, build a highly customized event website, send targeted email campaigns and measure their success rate, accept donations using credit card payments, create discount codes, accept abstract & paper submissions and assign abstracts to reviewers for peer review, create name badges and participation certificates, manage contacts through event CRM and engage attendees using the mobile app, discussions and attendee dashboard.