Expert Services

Our mission is to simplify the complexities of event planning, management, and leadership. Give your event a boost with Expert Services: No matter what stage your planning is in, let us take the stress out of your next event. Whether it’s a full turnkey solution, or an individual service you’re looking for – our experts are here to help. From registration, guest checkin, event marketing to webcasting, payments and more.


Choose an Expert Service that meets your desired outcomes.

Ensure the right business outcomes and realize value faster with proven methodologies, tools, and experts—informed by thousands of successful projects.

Publish your event on 20+ Event Directories

“86% of consumers looking for local events use Google search online with event listing sites delivering the results.”

Publish your event on event directories for gaining more visibility for your event. We’ll publish your event listing that showcases your event information including keywords, images, social media links and a link to your ticket registration page.

$49 per Event

Embed Twitter & Instagram Feeds into your Event Website

$49 per Event

Build a Custom Event Website

$1899 per Event